Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Healthier Fast Food At Home

Anyone else crave McDonalds everyday? No? Oh.. Okay. 
Well, if you know me, I love eating healthy but I crave the naughty stuff on a daily! It's been bad this week, and I'm trying to eat less fast food, less sugar (still got lots of work to do for this one) and less processed food. Just trying to eat more whole because 1) it makes me feel so much better! I have tummy troubles. 
2) I'm feeding Deacon everything I eat, so it's made me lots more aware of how much sugar and junk I eat! 
3) Simply because I like it. I like creating new healthier recipes. And I love cooking :) 

I've been craving McD's nuggets so bad. I haven't had one in so long! I can't even remember the last time, but I do ALWAYS remember why I don't eat those yummy crunchy nuggs. 
Has anyone watched Food Inc? It's on Netflix, check it out. But Basically those nuggets are hardly even chicken, I mean, just bite one and look at it... Doesn't look like a piece of chicken. 
Don't worry, I don't judge if you eat them. I want them all the time, I just can't get myself to eat it... But you'll find me at their drive thru more times than I care to admit! 

You guys, I made healthier junk food! 
Chicken nuggets, fries and ranch all homemade with lots of love :) 

I just made up the recipes with staple items in our kitchen, you're welcome to steal them, just don't hate me because I don't measure!! 

Chicken Nuggets
Cut up chicken breast into bite size pieces. Season with garlic powder, cayenne (if you don't mind a little yummy heat) and paprika. 
Drench in cottage cheese
Then coat them with bread crumbs 
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes. I just baked it till I could smell them, then I checked if the chicken was cooked through! 

French Fries
Cut potatoes in fry form. 
Soak them in cold water for 20-30 minutes. (I soaked mine while I made my nuggets) 
Drain water, place in cookie sheet, season with salt and pepper. And don't be shy. Season those babies. 
Drizzle tiny bit of oil on top of all.
Bake at 350 with nuggets 

Semi-homemade ranch dressing 
Two spoonfuls cottage cheese 
I had the last, last bit of ranch stuck to the sides of the bottle, so I added a little water and shook the bottle. Added that just for a little taste. (So I'd say add a squirt of ranch) 
Two shakes cayenne, generous garlic powder and one shake of thyme. 
A splash of almond milk ( so it's not super thick) 
Blend it up
:) yummmm

Enjoy! And feel good about the fact that... You just used all real, whole ingredients and made a kid favorite! 

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