I don't want to start a whole big argument, I don't want to promote those things any more than they are already promoted. I just want to have peace in my heart. I can't change the world, I can only change my heart.
So here it goes:
I believe in love. Beautiful, passionate, gentle, selfless love.
I believe in gentlemen. Men who open doors, treat women with respect, know how to be gentle.
I believe in virtue.
I believe in the sacred bonds of marriage.
I believe in families- sacred and eternal families. My family is my everything, they make me better, they make me strive to be who I want to be.
I believe in modesty. Not just by the clothes we wear or choose not to wear but where our heart truly lies.
I believe in knowing my worth. I know I'm a daughter of God. A princess, daughter of a Heavenly King.
I believe in women. Strong, beautiful, positive women, who want to uplift and encourage each other.
I believe in kindness. Towards all, men, women, children, whether they are like me or not.
I believe in forgiveness, because life is too short and too precious to hold on to bad feelings.
I believe in acceptance.
I believe in freedom- I'm blessed to live in America, the country of freedom, but we have to fight to keep it that way.
I believe in happiness. Life is beautiful, we have so, so much to smile about.
I believe in laughter.
I believe in faith.
I believe in open mindedness, because there's always people who think differently than you and that doesn't make you or them right.
I believe in service. A little act of kindness can change lives.
I believe in goodness. While there's so much bad in the world, if we look around, there's still so much good.
And most of all, I believe in God. I know He is the one in control, the one who loves me besides my mistakes, the one who created this perfect plan, the one who sent me here to this imperfect world and told me to have faith in Him and things would work out.
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